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Breathless (Goose Creek Book 4) Page 10

  “I need for you to come with me.”

  She rose to her feet. His face told her that something was wrong. “My class.”

  “I’ll handle your class,” her principal Joslyn March told her. Her features were sympathetic.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Just come with me.”

  “I need my purse.”

  She grabbed her phone and her purse and shoved her phone inside the handbag. She followed him out into the hallway. Her body trembled. “What’s wrong?”

  He was looking down. Jamie wouldn’t look at her. “Jamie, I asked you a question. What’s wrong?”

  “I have to take you in for questioning. The Senator got special permission for me to bring you in instead of the FBI.”

  She stopped walking. “Questioning for what?” She asked.

  He took her hand and urged her to follow him. She began walking slowly. “Jamie, I asked you a question.”

  “Zachariah was arrested this morning,” he told her.

  She stopped again. He turned and looked at her. She had tears in her eyes. “For what?” The words were so soft that he could barely hear them. “For what Jamie?”

  “You know. You have to know,” he told her.

  “I don’t,” she cried.

  “But you know what I’ve been working on.”

  “He’s part of the radical group?” Her disbelief was obvious in her tone. He wouldn’t do something like that. She knew him better. Didn’t she?

  “He created the firewall that was protecting them. He was arrested for aiding and abetting. It could get worse if we find out more information from his laptop and phone.”

  Nova dropped to the floor in the hallway. Jamie glanced down at her for a second then he reached for her. He lifted her to her feet. “I have to take you in for questioning.”

  “I don’t know anything Jamie.”

  He guided her down the hall towards the office. His car was sitting in front of the school. They got outside and Nova stopped walking again. She looked up at Jamie.

  “Did you know this last weekend Jamie?”

  He didn’t respond. He couldn’t even meet her eyes. She knew but she needed for him to say the words.

  “Jamie, when you made love to me last weekend…did you know this? Please tell me that you didn’t.”

  “I knew.”

  She felt the burn of tears sting her eyes. She crossed her arms over her chest and walked towards his vehicle. His jeep. She knew it well. She didn’t wait for him. She felt sick to her stomach like somehow Jamie had betrayed her. She didn’t know if it was rational or not but it was how she felt at this moment.

  At the FBI office in Macon, Georgia, Jamie pulled into the parking lot. He walked beside her with his hand on her back. She wanted to remove his hand but right now that touch was all that was holding her together.

  He put her in a room and closed the door. She was all alone. Only then did she break down and cry. She sobbed uncontrollably with her hands covering her face. What Nova didn’t know was that they watched her through a two-way mirror that looked just like an office window.

  She didn’t know that they could hear her sobs through a microphone implanted in the table. Jamie went to the room where Senator Danner was watching them interrogate Zachariah. He was watching through a similar mirror. Listening through a similar speaker system. Zachariah was not talking. “Do you have Nova here?” He asked when he saw Jamie.

  “I do.”

  Senator Danner walked out of the room. Jamie watched him enter the room where Zach was being interrogated. He sat down where the agent was sitting. That man rose from his chair when the Senator entered the room.

  “Got yourself into some trouble Zach.”

  “Appears that way,” he replied barely able to meet the Senator’s eyes.

  “Jamie Stone brought Nova in just now.”

  Zach’s head shot up to look at the Senator. “Why?” He was concerned obviously. He was angry. Jamie was good at reading people. “She didn’t do anything.”

  “Her internet account is how we traced back to you Zach. She could be in as much trouble as you.”

  “That is bullshit. I want to speak to my lawyer. Beau Daughtry. Know him Senator?” Zachariah asked. His face hard as stone.

  Dallas laughed. “You are a risk to national security Zach until we know for sure who all was involved. You don’t get to speak to an attorney. Neither does Nova.”

  “Let me talk to her.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  Dallas rose to his feet and left the room. Zach slammed his fist on the table. Dallas met Jamie in the hallway. “What kind of game are you playing Senator Danner?”

  “What do you mean Jamie?”

  “You know Nova Daughtry has nothing to do with what Zach was involved with.”

  “Yes, I know. You made sure of it before you turned over your evidence didn’t you?”

  Jamie glared at him.

  “Nova is important to Zachariah. We’re using her as a pawn to get him to talk. Zach is a small fish Jamie. We want Omega. They are the real criminals in this game and Zach can deliver them. He just needs a little push.”

  “At any cost?”

  “At any cost,” Dallas agreed.

  The Senator was going to see Nova now. Jamie watched him go. Then he walked outside of the agency to his car. He opened the back door of his jeep and pulled out a non-traceable phone. He called Beau Daughtry.

  “Beau, Jamie Stone.”

  “What can I do for you?”

  “Nova and Zach are at the FBI in Macon, Georgia.”

  “What?” He heard the shock in Beau’s voice. The tremble of a father’s concern for his children.

  “I can only tell you this much. They need you.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “Thanks Beau.”

  He hung up his phone and placed back in his bag. Then he shut the door. He leaned against his car bent over at the waist. Then Jamie took a deep breath. He went back inside the offices of the FBI. In the room where they were holding Nova he was watching the Senator talk to Nova.

  “We need your help convincing Zach to come clean about Omega.”

  “Senator, I don’t know what Omega is. I don’t think he will listen to me.”

  “Nova, you’re a sweet girl. I know you are. A third grade teacher. How would the parents of your students feel about this getting out on the internet?”

  He shoved something across the table. Jamie couldn’t see what it was. Tears filled her eyes. He took something out of his pocket and set it between them. Suddenly the sound of their lovemaking filled his ears through the speaker system.

  “There is video to go along with those pictures sweetheart. This is a matter of national…”

  Nova rose from the chair. She was looking around the room. “I’m going to be sick.”

  The Senator rose from his seat and knocked on the door. Jamie opened his door hoping to see her. “Take her to the restroom.” He heard Senator Danner say to someone in the hall.

  Nova dropped to her knees in front of the toilet. She threw up the contents of her stomach and rested her head on her arm. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt disgusting. Jamie had used her just like Tyler had. She was no more than a whore to be used by men.

  She rose to her feet and flushed. Nova went out to the sink and splashed cold water on her face. There was arguing in the hallway. She kept looking at the door as she wiped her hands and face on a towel. She stepped into the hall to find two agents holding onto Jamie. The Senator was wiping his mouth.

  “You fucking asshole. How did you get those pictures and the recording?”

  “Your server turned on the equipment after you turned it off.”

  “That is illegal you, scumbag.”

  “We needed her to cooperate. You played right into our hands Jamie.”

  “Did you need me at all?” He shouted.

  “Oh, we did. We had no clue who was providing the firewall. You fig
ured that out for us. Not being able to break Zachariah’s code created a problem for us.”

  “Let me go,” Jamie snarled. “So you used my relationship with Nova to get to Zach.”

  “We did.”

  “I’ll destroy you Senator.”

  He chuckled. “Get him out of here.”

  Jamie looked over his shoulder and saw her. He saw the look of betrayal on her face. “Nova,” he shouted. She looked away from him. She felt so deceived. So hurt. He knew her tells. Remember? She crossed her arms over her chest. “Nova, I love you,” he yelled as the two agents removed him from the building.

  She wiped away her tears. Then she looked at Senator Danner. “What do you want?” She asked.

  “Convince Zach to help us break Omega. It will go easier on him.”

  “Whatever you want?” Nova was defeated.

  The Senator led her to a room where Zach was being kept. His hands were cuffed in front of him. He rose from his chair the moment he saw her. The Senator came with her.

  Nova walked to Zachariah. She laid her head against his chest. He dropped his chin on her head. She was sobbing.

  “I’m so sorry,” he told her.

  “Do you know what you’ve done?” She whispered.

  “I have a pretty good idea.”

  She was shaking her head. He had no clue. He didn’t know about the pictures of her naked in Jamie’s penthouse. The tape of their voices as they made love. The video that she hadn’t even seen.

  “They can’t do anything to you,” he whispered.

  She lifted her head and gazed into his eyes. “They can Zach. They have pictures of me. Video. They are threatening me if you don’t help them break Omega.”

  “Video? Pictures?”

  “With Jamie.” Zach raised his hands and wiped away her tears.

  “I’m so sorry.” He looked over Nova’s head at the Senator. “I want to talk to Nova privately.”

  Dallas stepped through the door and closed it tight behind him. He pulled her close to him. “They have mics in here so they can hear everything. You have to find out if Jamie broke my code,” he whispered.

  “I won’t speak to him again.” She was shaking her head no.

  “Nova, I have to know what he’s done. They aren’t going to be able to keep you but they will keep me. They think you are my weakness.” He pulled back from her and gazed into her eyes. “Which you are. They will use you to control me.”

  She leaned back against him. “How will knowing help you?”

  “Because if he’s cracked my code or he’s close he can help break Omega. I’ll help him but it has to be a secret. They are deadly. Do you understand?”

  “I do,” Nova responded.

  “I trust only you,” he told her.

  “All right.” She shook her head yes.

  Zachariah kissed her on the head. She raised her face up to him. “I love you Zachariah.”

  “I love you too Nova.”

  She released him. Then she went out into the hallway to meet Dallas Danner. “I want the video and pictures of me and Jamie. Once those are in my possession. Zach will help.”

  “All right.”

  “How can I guarantee that all copies are destroyed Senator?”

  “I’ll personally guarantee it.”

  She scoffed at him. “Your word doesn’t mean a lot to me right now.”

  “I’m offended Nova.”

  She rolled her eyes at him. “I need to see Jamie.”


  “I just do. If you want Zach’s cooperation. I want to see Jamie.”

  “He’s outside.”

  She started to walk away. “No one said you are free to go.”

  “You know Senator, there is more than me who has secrets in this hallway. I suggest you let me walk outside to see Jamie.”

  He took a step backwards. He knew exactly what she was talking about. Anna Danner’s drug use. No one had seen Anna in a very long time. “Fine,” he snarled. He followed her to the door. “Let her outside to see Stone.” He did a double take. There was Beau Daughtry in the parking lot talking to Jamie Stone.

  “Fuck me,” Dallas said out loud.

  Nova glanced over her shoulder at the Senator as she walked out the door. She went straight into Beau Daughtry’s arms. He looked over her head at Dallas Danner standing in the doorway of the FBI office.

  “What the hell is going on?”

  “Zachariah programmed a firewall that is impenetrable,” Nova told him. She backed out of Beau’s arms.

  “Nova,” Jamie said her name.

  She held up her hand. “Don’t talk to me.”

  Beau glanced between the two of them. “Okay, I think I need a little more information.”

  “That firewall has been being used by the radical group Omega,” Nova explained.

  “What?” Beau looked between Nova and Jamie again. “The group that hacked the FBI and Fort Knox?”

  “That’s the group,” Jamie responded.

  She closed her eyes. Just the sound of his voice made her heart feel like it was breaking into pieces. “So what are they charging him with?”

  “Aiding and abetting. They can’t get him for anything else.”

  “Damn. That still has to carry a prison sentence.”

  “Five to ten years,” Jamie agreed.

  Nova gasped. “He can’t go to prison. He’s only nineteen.”

  Beau hugged her to him. “Why did they pick up Nova?”

  “Some of his traffic once I figured out where it was coming from was tied to Nova’s internet account. We had to bring her in for questioning. We know she’s not involved.”

  “They want to use me.”


  She glanced at Jamie. The hurt in her eyes tore at his gut. “They have video of Nova and I together taken at my penthouse in D.C. where I’ve been staying.”

  “Dallas Danner threatened to have it splashed all over the internet ruining me if I didn’t help convince Zach to break Omega.”

  Beau released Nova. He stalked across the parking lot. Nova was calling to him but he didn’t listen. Dallas stepped outside. “What the hell do you think you are doing Dallas?” He shouted.

  “Calm down and let’s talk,” his friend told him.

  “Calm down? What if someone had pictures of Jorga or Harper that they were threatening to splash across the internet. Would you be calm?”

  “This is a matter of national security Beau. These men and or women are dangerous. We pulled out all the stops.”

  “Including ruining a young woman’s life?”

  “I’m sorry Beau. We had to guarantee that Zach would cooperate.”

  Beau drew back and punched Dallas in the face. The Senator went down on his back. He rubbed his hand across his nose and blood was on his hand. “I’ve been your friend for thirty-seven years Dallas. You were there for me with Rena died. I’ve been there for you while Annabell struggles with her drug addiction. Remember that?”

  Dallas rose to his feet with the help of two agents who had stepped outside to determine if the Senator needed their help. “We share grandchildren. Four beautiful grandchildren. Our children happen to love that girl over there that you are trying to destroy.” Beau pointed behind him. “How do you think they are going to feel when they find out?”

  “They never have to know Beau.” He saw the fear in Dallas’s eyes and he was happy about it.

  “You hurt her Dallas. One picture leaks to the internet. The press and I will be damn sure they know why and who. Do you understand me?”

  “I do.”

  “I want to see Zach.”

  Nova glanced at Jamie. She couldn’t meet his eyes. “Zach asked me to find out how much of his code you’ve broken.”

  “None of it. As you said it is impenetrable.” He couldn’t take his eyes off her. “I didn’t know they were videotaping us Nova.”

  “Did you know the cameras were there?” She asked.

  Nova finally loo
ked up into Jamie’s eyes. His guilt was written on his face. “You did.”

  “I had turned them off,” he replied. He took her arm to prevent her from walking away.

  “How did they get turned back on?”

  “I don’t know.” He seemed confused. “I thought I walked the server to the elevators. Dallas said he turned them on.”

  “You seem to know everything Jamie.”

  He let her go this time. He hoped when she cooled off that she would listen to him. He meant what he said earlier. He loved her. It was tearing his heart out that he had hurt her. Jamie watched her go to Beau’s side.

  “I want to go with you,” She told him. “To see Zach.”

  She could feel the anger radiating off Beau Daughtry. He nodded then he took her hand in his and pulled her along beside him. He would find a way to protect her and Zach from Dallas. The thought made him want to hurt Dallas again. He was shocked by the rage he felt at the man he had known for a lifetime.

  Dallas led them back inside. Beau hugged his son when he saw him. “What the hell Zach?”

  “I screwed up. Thought I would never get caught.”

  “Zach,” Beau’s eyes filled with tears. Zach’s head dropped low on his chest.

  “Now what Dad?”

  “They will take you before a Federal Judge to enter a plea.”

  “I’m pleading guilty. I can’t help them. Everyone I love would be in danger. Omega would start killing my family one by one.”

  “Zach, what the hell were you thinking?”

  “I wasn’t.”

  “Take down the firewall at least.”

  “I can’t or they will know.” He stared into his father’s eyes. “I’m sorry Dad. Protect Nova for me. Don’t let the Senator hurt her. I have to accept what I’ve done and plead guilty.”

  “Zach, let me think this through. Talk to a criminal attorney. Do you realize you’re looking at five to ten?”

  “I do.”

  “That’s maximum security most likely with hardened criminals. You aren’t prepared for something like that.”

  “I got it.”


  “Nova, come here.”

  She went to him. He put his arms around her. His cuffed hands were behind her back. He kissed her temple. “I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

  “I know.” She rested her cheek against his chest. She could hear his heart thudding loudly against his ribs. He might be acting like he wasn’t scared but he was and Nova started to cry.