Breathless (Goose Creek Book 4) Page 16
It was a wonder that she had turned out as well as she had but then she was given the responsibility for Bradley and Wyatt making her grow up faster than she should have. How she had turned out he was sure was the result of his other brothers’ influence. No one else.
“I’ll be back in three or four days. Keep the kids until I get back.”
“I will Jamie.”
Jamie started to get into his car. “Mark,” his uncle turned to look at him. “I tried calling her before I left with them. She couldn’t be bothered to answer my call. For all she knows one of them is in the hospital right now.”
“I hear you Jamie. I wish I had known she was hurting them.”
“Me too.”
He left then. Backing out of the driveway he called Sly from his secure phone.
“What the fuck man have you gotten us into man?” He wasn’t angry. Sly was excited.
“I have seventy-two hours to bring down the firewall that is protecting Omega and ensure that Nova is safe until we determine Omega is compromised and located.”
“Jesus Jamie. Where is Nova?”
“She’s in the mountains above Asheville with Seamus.”
“Like out in the mountains?”
“Yes,” he replied.
“Bring her here to Cherokee. We’ll protect her at the reservation. You know my dad.” The implication was there. Nothing would get past Cage Lee, Sly’s father.
“She’s close. That’s not a bad idea. I’m sure she would be grateful to get out the woods.”
“Hell yeah, she would. So what’s the plan?”
Jamie sighed. “I need a place to go that is secure. No one can be able to trace me. I’ll bring down Zach’s firewall.”
“Come to Cherokee too. I’ll set you up.”
He glanced at the clock on his dashboard. “I’ll be there in five hours. Where do you want Seamus to take Nova?”
“Bring her to the reservation to my dad’s house. I’ll let him know you’re coming. Got the address?”
“I do.”
“See you soon Jamie. Thanks for keeping it real.”
“No problem,” Jamie replied chuckling at his friend’s enthusiasm.
His heart was racing hard in his chest. He would see Nova in five hours. It had been too long since he had touched her. Held her in his arms and kissed her. He was anxious for the next five hours to pass quickly.
Jamie stopped in Goose Creek to see Kale. He wanted the women and children to go back to the reservation to the cottage for the next seventy-two hours.
His best friend wasn’t happy with this news. Happy he was going to bring Nova in from the woods but not happy at all that they were all in danger once again. Kale and Jamie spoke by his car so that Lola didn’t hear them. Kale didn’t want his wife to be upset.
All of the women were going to be distraught when they heard that they had to return to the reservation to the small cottage. Kale was going to have to be the one to tell them again. Even better.
Jamie told Kale the plan. In seventy-two hours or less, he would know what the end result was. If Omega went down and the government was able to bring them in, it would all be over. If not, Jamie didn’t know what they were going to do. He had never felt more lost.
Kale calmed him. He had more faith in Jamie Stone than anyone else to get them out of this. Then, Kale hugged Jamie reassuring him that everything would be all right.
“You got this Jamie. I know you do. We all have something at stake here especially you.”
Jamie nodded. He now had not only Nova but his child to bring through this safely.
“I’ll get everyone to the reservation. You just take care of business. Don’t worry about us.”
“Thanks man. I’m sorry I ever agreed to take this contract. So sorry. It nearly destroyed me and Nova.”
Kale clapped him on the back. “It will work out man. You’ll see.”
“I better hit the road.”
“Drive safe Jamie. Keep us informed.”
“I will Kale.”
He got back in the Jeep and headed north to Cherokee. Jamie had a four-hour drive ahead of him. Now was the time to call Seamus and tell him where to go with Nova.
Seamus was on the phone. Nova watched from her sleeping bag; half awake and half asleep. She had been alone in the woods with Seamus for a little over three weeks and was more than ready for a real bed. A real shower and clean clothes that didn’t include men’s thermal underwear.
She sighed as thoughts of home filled her. She had not complained once though. She was going to show Kale how wrong he was. A Ritz Carlton girl, my ass.
Seamus walked toward the fire. He doused the flames with the water he had drawn from the creek nearby that flowed down the mountain. She looked at him in question.
“We’re goin’ to Cherokee.”
“For what?”
“Jamie has friends in Cherokee. They are going to give us shelter, baby girl while he does what he needs to do.”
“What does he need to do?” She got out of her sleeping back and rolled it up. The nights were much colder now. She was already shivering as she retrieved their belongings from the frozen ground; throwing them in the back of the truck.
“You’re moving pretty quick now that you know we’re moving out of the woods,” he teased her.
“What is Jamie doing?”
“I don’t know,” he told her. “You’ll need to ask him. He’ll be there in four or so hours.”
She stopped what she was doing. She gazed at Seamus uncertain at what she was feeling. Her eyes welled with tears. She was going to see Jamie?
She hadn’t seen him for nearly three months. Her hand went to her belly, bigger still than in the picture she had sent to him. Her heart was racing hard in her chest. So hard, it felt like it might beat clear through her ribs. She was excited and scared at the same time.
“Hey,” Seamus said. “Don’t worry. He can’t wait to see you.”
She nodded. Then she finished picking up the rest of her things and threw them in the truck. She went to the passenger seat and Seamus went to the driver’s side. He started up the truck and backed out of the trees until he reached the road.
“Where are we going?”
“Cage Lee’s house.”
“Do I know him?”
Seamus looked at Nova and smiled. “Do you know Deacon Justice?”
“The murder-mystery writer?”
“Cage is his uncle.”
Nova looked out the window. “Why are we safer there than in the woods?” She asked.
“You don’t want to know.”
An hour later Seamus was pulling into the reservation in Cherokee, North Carolina. He turned down the road that led to Cage Lee’s house. “Start looking at the numbers on the mailboxes,” he told her.
She watched the mailboxes on the right while he watched the left. “Right there,” Nova told him.
She was pointing at a two-story, colonial home with a wrap-around porch. They turned into the drive and parked the truck. Seamus got out first. When Nova followed him she found Cage and Onnie Lee in the garage door.
“Seamus O’Leary,” Cage said to him.
“Nice to see you Cage. This is Nova Daughtry, Beau and Rena’s relation.”
“Welcome sweetheart,” Onnie said to her. She was checking her out in her thermal bottoms and top. A sweatshirt covering them. Her belly protruding enough that it was obvious that she was pregnant. Her hair a wild mess of blonde curls. “Would you like some clean clothes and a hot shower?”
Nova almost cried. She nodded. Onnie put her arm around her shoulders. “Come inside sweetheart. I’ll get you setup in the bathroom with clean towels and soap. You’ll feel better soon.” Onnie hugged her and gave her shoulders a squeeze. “You’re safe now,” she told her.
“Sly will be here soon, “Cage told Seamus as the two women walked away from them. “He’s getting some things ready for Jamie.”
“Thanks C
The man was intimidating. Tall and broad. His hair buzz cut. Everything about him was precise. His wife was so different. Her shoulder length hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She was already in her pajamas.
“Do you mind if I give you an old woman’s pajamas? I think even with that belly you’re sporting they are stretchy enough to fit you.”
“I appreciate it. I just want to be clean Mrs. Lee. A hot shower sounds lovely right now. Do you do this often?”
“Call me Onnie and what do I do often?” Onnie led Nova upstairs. They stopped in her room and she got a pair of pajamas for her from the dresser drawer.
“Rescue women who are in trouble.”
“When necessary,” she replied. “Get your shower now. We’ll talk later.” Onnie winked at her then walked her to the bathroom where she left Nova with fluffy, clean towels, shampoo, body wash or soap. Whatever she desired was waiting for her.
She held the towels to her nose and inhaled. A clean, lavender scent filled her nostrils and she wanted to cry. They reminded her of her sister and her nephews.
She laid the towel on the counter and took her sweatshirt off. Nova dropped it to the floor. She removed the thermals she had been wearing and stood naked before the mirror.
She ran her fingers through her hair and smiled at the image before her. She had always been the lanky one. Now she had curves from the baby at fourteen weeks pregnant. She liked what she was seeing.
She was one of those girls who couldn’t gain weight. She looked round and healthy now because Seamus had been feeding her a lot but always healthy stuff. She rubbed her hand over her belly. She was so scared about seeing Jamie but eager at the same time.
Nova stepped into the shower and turned on the water to full on hot. She let it cascade over her turning her skin pink. She ran her fingers through her hair and let the water saturate it before she grabbed soap off the shelf in the tub and soaped her body. Then she let the water rinse it away. Nova did the same for her hair, washing it twice. She stepped out and towel dried herself vigorously. Then she put on the pajamas that Onnie had given her before she headed down the stairs.
She was holding all her dirty clothes and the towels in her arms when she went in search of the others. Onnie was in the living room with her husband Cage, Seamus and another man she didn’t know. She hesitated in the entryway. Uncertain. Onnie saw her and rose.
“Let me take those for you. Seamus brought your other stuff inside. I’ll wash them all for you.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it.”
“Are you hungry?” Onnie asked. “I can make you some food.”
“No, thank you. Seamus fed me too well.”
“Bunnies and fish? Maybe a few squirrels,” he suggested. She turned pale, covering her mouth with her hands.
“Seamus,” Onnie scolded him. “He’s teasing you, Nova.”
“I’m Sly,” the man she didn’t know told her. He walked over to where his mother stood with her. “So you’re the girl who has tamed Jamie Stone.”
What was she supposed to say to that? She smiled at him. “Nova Daughtry.” She extended her hand to Sly and he shook it.
“I’ve heard about you Nova. You’ll be safe here.” He winked at her. “Mom, I’m hungry if Nova isn’t.”
Onnie rolled her eyes at her son. “Come to the kitchen Sly. I’ll feed you.”
Nova sat on the sofa near Seamus. During their time in the woods they had bonded just like he had with her sister. He was her security right now. He patted her leg comforting her knowing exactly how she was feeling.
“You doing okay baby girl?” He asked.
“I am.” She was tired but that was not unusual for her right now because of the pregnancy.
He glanced at his watch. Then he looked at her and smiled a crooked smile. “He’ll be here in about two and a half hours.”
She nodded.
Chapter 16
Jamie had been driving for nearly five hours by the time he reached the reservation in Cherokee. When he turned into the long drive that led back to the actual homesteads where Sly’s parents lived, he was burnt to the ground. His only thought was seeing Nova.
In the dark he had to concentrate on finding the house in the dark. He was driving slowly since it had been some time since he had been in Cherokee. He didn’t recognize the house in the darkness and nearly slipped by it.
Jamie turned into the drive and put the car in park. Sly, Seamus and Cage were in the garage talking when he stopped beside Seamus’s brother’s red truck. He got out and stretched his tight muscles. He walked stiffly to the garage door where he was greeted by the men standing in the faint light, beaming down from over their heads.
“Where is she?” He asked.
Seamus laughed. “Excited to see her son?” He was teasing Jamie.
“Hell yes,” he responded.
“She’s in the house. Asleep on the sofa in the living room,” Sly told him. They shook hands.
“I can’t thank you enough,” he told Sly.
“I haven’t had this much fun in years,” Sly replied.
Jamie patted Sly’s shoulder. “It’s about to get even more exciting.”
Cage shook his head at the two young men. “I’m heading inside to see Nova,” Jamie told them before walking across the concrete floor. His footsteps echoing off the walls of the garage. He opened the door and started to slip inside.
“Wake her up,” Seamus teased. “She’ll be grumpy as a bear.”
He smiled at Seamus. “I think she’ll forgive me.” He stepped through the doorway and closed the heavy steel door behind him. “Onnie?” He called her name.
“Jamie, in here.”
He followed the sound of Onnie’s voice and hugged her in the kitchen where she was cleaning up after the men who had eaten earlier.
“It is so good to see you Jamie. You look wonderful.”
“Thank you Onnie. You look pretty darn good yourself.”
Onnie could see his excitement at seeing Nova. She told him where to find her. As he walked down the hall he found the living room. He stepped inside; nervous as hell at seeing her for the first time in months.
She was asleep on the sofa; a blanket covering her. Her hair no longer damp from her shower lay in tight curls across her shoulder. He just stood there and looked at her for a moment. Taking her in. God, he had missed her. Then he dropped to his knees by the sofa where he could get a better look at her.
Her arm rested across her stomach accentuating the roundness of her belly. He couldn’t believe how much bigger she was in just three weeks since he’d received that picture of her.
Jamie touched her; something he had been wanting to do since she had sent him the picture. He actually got choked up looking at her. Thinking about his child growing inside her. What an amazing thing they had created. Her stomach felt round and hard to him. He rested his hand there for a few moments. Then he looked at her; realizing that she was awake.
“Hi,” he whispered.
Nova sat up and threw both arms around his neck. She was crying. He could feel the tremble of her body in his arms. He closed his eyes and held onto her tightly.
“Are you all right?” He asked.
She laughed. Then she cried. “I’m clean.” She leaned back in his arms so she could see his face. “I never complained once. Just ask Seamus.”
“Kale will be pleasantly surprised.” He cupped her face in his hands. “Seriously, are you all right? You missed your appointment and all. I’ve been so worried about you.”
“I feel fine,” she told him.
Jamie kissed her. He had to. The overwhelming urge shook him to his core. He was relieved because he knew that she would be okay now. She was safe. She was with him where he could watch over her himself.
“What’s the plan?” She asked when he pulled his head away from hers.
His thumb caressed her cheek. “I have to bring down Zach’s firewall. I was warned by Dallas Danner if I didn’t they w
ere coming after everyone until they got to you.”
“To use me against Zach?”
“Why won’t Omega come after us after you expose them?”
“Sly and I have a plan so they will think the government brought down Zach’s firewall. Extra security for us.”
“I don’t even want to know. Jamie, will Zach be harmed in any way? I don’t want him to be hurt.”
They heard Onnie’s footsteps on the hardwood floor. They both turned to the entrance of the living room. “If you two would like I can show you to your room.”
“I’d like that Onnie,” Jamie replied. “Thank you.”
He held Nova’s hand as she got off the couch and followed him through the house. Her light cotton pajamas in pale pink with tiny roses didn’t seem to be her style but she still looked beautiful.
Up the stairs, at the far end of the hallway Onnie put them in Slater’s old bedroom.
“The bed isn’t huge but I think you’ll be fine,” she teased.
“A bed Onnie, any bed will be wonderful,” Nova replied. “I haven’t slept in a bed in three weeks.”
“Goodnight sweetheart.” Nova walked over to the door and hugged Onnie Lee. She had taken her in and treated her like she’d known her forever. That was Onnie’s way. It reminded her of Mary Lake and her sisters. Halona. Tama too. Nova realized how much she missed them.
Onnie closed the door behind them. Jamie sat on the edge of the bed to check his phone. He shook his head.
“What’s wrong?”
“I took all the kids to Mark and Mary’s. My mother isn’t home yet apparently or she would have noticed. I tried calling her before I left but she didn’t answer.”
Nova sat beside him on the bed and rested her arm on his shoulder; leaning her head on top of her arm. “You’re really worried, aren’t you?”
“I am.” He turned to her and began talking. Telling her everything that had been going on during the time he had been home with his mother. Nearly, seven weeks now, he thought. Maybe eight. Time was flying by he was having so much damn fun between his mother drinking herself to death and trying to figure out a way he could fix his relationship with her; he had definitely been consumed.