Breathless (Goose Creek Book 4) Page 19
“It will be fine,” Cage told Sly and Jamie. “You’ll be happier working for Jamie.”
“Thanks Pop. I appreciate the support.”
“Your mother isn’t going to be happy with you living in Georgia but we’ll be fine at the casino.” Cage’s eyes twinkled with merriment. His mother had been terribly quiet since Sly’s announcement.
“Thanks Pop,” Sly replied with sarcasm.
“Well I have a new friend in Nova. I’ll just have to make a trip to Georgia to see her and Jamie and their new baby. Many times,” she added. “So I can see Sly too.”
They all chuckled at her.
“Any time, “Nova told her.
She had forgotten what it was like having a mother. Lola had done her best but she was much too young to have the responsibilities that she had dropped on her. Now with Mary and Onnie she felt like she knew what it felt like to have a real mother; something she hadn’t really had before.
“And you can call me anytime you need something sweetheart,” Onnie told her.
“Oh believe me. I will,” Nova replied.
In the morning, they were packed and loading up Jamie’s truck. She had an appointment with her doctor for tomorrow morning then they were going to the reservation to meet up with Mark and determine what to do next with his siblings.
Jamie wanted to make things easy on them. He wanted to talk to them first. He knew his aunt and uncle would guide him in making the right decisions for them too.
On the way to Goose Creek, they talked about where to live. Jamie told Nova about the technology company in the area that was looking for a buyer. He could move his operations to Goose Creek if that is where she wanted to be. He might have to be in Atlanta for meetings with some of his bigger clients a little more often but he wanted her to be happy.
“I would like that but I want the kids to be happy too,” she told him. “How are they going to feel about leaving the reservation and their friends?”
“I think the further they are away from my mother the better they will be Nova. No chance of running into her. You know what I mean?”
She laid her hand across her stomach. Then she looked at Jamie. “I don’t understand.” Her tone was soft. She was questioning many things right now.
Zach and how he had gotten mixed up in this mess. The four boys who had thrown their lives away for nothing more than the rush. They were playing games that were way beyond their league. A mother who could just abandon her children still living at home.
“What don’t you understand?” Jamie glanced between her and the road.
“How can she just walk away from them Jamie?”
He shook his head. “She’s always been able to do that. She just kept popping babies out. She loved them until they turned about two or three when they were no longer babies then she dumped them on me. She did the same to Kaylee with Bradley and Wyatt.”
“I’m sorry,” Nova told him.
“The hardest thing I did was leave.”
Nova glanced over at Jamie. Her expression was filled with compassion.
“If I hadn’t left I don’t know what would have happened to me. She was slowly killing me Nova. I was nineteen and a substitute father to my brothers because my dad worked so much. I barely made it through school with a C average. I was smart though. I knew I would end up like her, drinking myself to death if I stayed. Dad told me to leave. He told me it was time. He assured me that he would take care of things. Then he died.”
Nova reached over and took his hand. He smiled at her but it wasn’t a happy smile. It was filled with pain. “I hurt them Nova. I have so much to make up to them.”
“You don’t Jamie. It wasn’t your responsibility. It was hers. She is the one who messed up not you. So now, when they need you we’ll do the right thing.”
He nodded. “I hope so.”
They spent the night at Beau’s house. He was happy to see Nova; holding her in his arms. He had lost a son. He was grateful Nova had returned. She told Beau they thought they would be moving to Goose Creek. After their doctor’s appointment tomorrow they were heading to the reservation to see about Jamie’s siblings.
She and Beau stayed up talking for a while after Jamie went to bed. She wanted to tell him about her visit with Zach. He wasn’t happy at first about being lied to. Then he was pleased to see her when the irritation was gone; to be able to tell her that he loved her was important to both of them.
Beau only nodded. Listening. Taking it all in. She told him he needed to go with her to the prison. He leaned forward on his knees. “Nova, I don’t know if I can.”
She patted his back comforting him. He was upset. On the verge of tears. “Zach was the one who helped me through Rena’s death. I feel like I failed him.” Beau wiped his face.
“You didn’t. You raised him well Beau.” He glanced over his shoulder at her. “He made a mistake. Got caught up in something that became bigger than he could have imagined. He needs us now more than ever.”
“I just don’t know if I can see him in there. In that situation,” he explained.
“I understand how hard it is. I worry about him so much but think about it. Would you Beau? He needs us.”
“I will think about it,” he reassured her.
Beau shook his head at her. “What?” She asked.
“You were taken into custody. Lost your job. A job that you loved because of what he did to you and yet you are still fighting for him.”
She leaned her head on Beau’s shoulder. “When Tyler stopped coming around, I was devastated. While Lola did what Lola does and pointed out the reality of the situation, Zachariah let me cry on his shoulder.
“Beau, he comforted me and didn’t say, I told you so or Tyler made no promises to you Nova. Zach offered to kick his ass for me. That is the relationship that we have. We go down fighting for each other.”
Beau laid his hand on her thigh and patted it. Damn, he loved this girl and her sister. He turned his head and kissed her forehead. “That is why I love you so much Nova. You and Lola.”
“Thanks Beau. We love you too.”
She rose and told him good night. Then she walked to the door and stopped. “Beau, can my children call you grandpa too?”
His head shot up and he looked at her for just a moment without responding. Then he smiled at her. “Of course they can.”
“Thanks Beau. They’re going to need a grandpa. Jamie doesn’t have anyone and neither do I. Only you.”
He nodded his head. “I’ll be happy to be their grandpa for you sweetheart.”
“I love you Beau.”
“Love you too, my girl.”
Chapter 19
Their appointment was the first of the day at the doctor’s office. He examined Nova and then let them hear the baby’s heartbeat.
Jamie took her hand and held it while unshed tears glistened in his eyes. She squeezed his hand and smiled at him. There was so much more they were going to share with this baby coming and taking in his siblings. They just had to take one day at a time.
The doctor decided to do an ultrasound while she was there since she had missed her appointment at twelve weeks. She was nearly fifteen weeks pregnant. Their doctor just wanted to be sure that everything was progressing as it should.
They watched their child put its thumb in its mouth and suck. It moved around. Waved its hand. Everything seemed to be going as it should be.
“Can you feel the baby move yet Nova?” Her doctor asked.
“I think I’m feeling little flutters but I wasn’t sure.”
Jamie looked surprised.
“About another three to five weeks and Jamie will be able to feel it move too,” the doctor told them.
“I will?”
“Yes sir,” the doctor told him. He was looking at the technician then at the screen. Then at Jamie. He knew a first time father when he saw one. The excitement was contagious.
Jamie couldn’t wait until the day came that he could feel their child mo
ving inside Nova. He was happy about what was to come for them. The permanence of this was starting to hit him. It was something that he never thought would happen to him. They had lots of things to do, like getting married for one.
Jamie knew his first task was to purchase a ring for Nova. He wanted everything to be perfect when he got down on one knee and proposed to Nova. She deserved the best. He wanted to give her everything that she hadn’t had. Jamie wanted to take care of her like she had never been cared for before.
The technician printed their photos and handed them to Jamie. She wiped the gel off Nova’s belly and Jamie helped Nova sit up. He leaned over her and pressed his lips to her in a sweet, gentle kiss. He just gazed at her for several long seconds.
“I love you Nova,” he told her. His tone was husky and expressed all the overwhelming emotion that he was feeling. He glanced down at the pictures in his hand.
“I love you too, Jamie.” She caressed his jaw with her fingertips. Her touch light on his face. Then she kissed his cheek. “We better get going.”
His attorney had dropped off the papers he had requested before they left that morning. They were papers that once his mother signed would give up her rights as the mother to the underage children at home. Before he went to see her he wanted to talk to the kids.
The drive to the reservation was quiet. They neither one spoke; lost in their own thoughts. Jamie was worried about his siblings. Nova was worried about Jamie. And Zach. She wanted to go see him at the prison again as soon as she could. She wanted to take the ultrasound pictures and show him. Nova wanted to include Zach in their daily lives as much as she could so when he finally got out he could pick up where he left off.
It took a little over an hour to reach Jamie’s aunt and uncle’s house. They parked along the edge of the yard and got out of the truck. Before Jamie and Nova made it half way to the front porch a little boy ran out the front door screaming Jamie’s name. Mary was right behind him.
When Mary saw that Jamie was there she stopped and leaned against the post holding up the roof to her porch. He scooped Wyatt into this arms. The child’s thin arms squeezed him tight. “How are you Wyatt?” He asked.
“I missed you.” He leaned back in Jamie’s arms and checked out Nova. “Who is she?”
“This is Nova. She and I are getting married.”
“You are,” he replied.
“We are.”
“She’s going to have a baby,” Wyatt declared.
“She is. That’s my baby too, Wyatt.”
“I’m going to be an uncle?” He asked excitedly. Jamie was amazed he got the connection at such a young age.
“You are.”
Wyatt glanced over at Nova again. He whispered to Jamie who turned his head towards her. “She is pretty Wyatt,” Jamie agreed with his younger brother.
Nova laughed. He carried Wyatt to the porch and kissed Mary on the cheek. “How is everyone else?”
“I think Kaylee will be happy to see you and Nova.”
He started up the steps and Nova hesitated. “Mary could I talk to you?”
“Sure honey.” She stepped down the steps and met her in the yard while Jamie kept looking over his shoulder at them. “We’ll be right in,” Mary reassured him.
They walked to the picnic table and sat down. “So you are having a baby?” Mary said.
She covered her belly with her hand. “I am.”
Mary covered Nova’s hand. She closed her eyes. “The child is healthy.”
“I’m happy to hear that. I feel like sometimes you know more than the doctors.”
Mary laughed. “I don’t.” She kept her hand over Nova’s stomach. “Do you want to know what it is?” She asked.
Nova looked down at their hands and then at Mary. “I don’t think so. Jamie thinks it is a boy.”
Mary laughed. “He would because his father and grandfather had only boys.”
“So it is a girl?”
“You said you didn’t want to know.” Mary was giving her an amused look.
Nova smiled at her. “I didn’t ask you to come out here to talk about the sex of my baby. You told me that one path would lead me to happiness and one path would lead well the other way.”
“Are you wondering if you made the right decision? Tyler or Jamie?” Mary asked.
“I can’t imagine this child not being the right path Mary.”
Mary looked up at the clouds in the sky. Then she glanced at Nova. “I think you are right.”
“Then why did you want me to know what Tyler was feeling?” She asked.
She took Nova’s hand and held it in hers. “Because the feelings that he left you with were hurting you still. Without having the gift of sight I could see that. With my gift I could see a grey cloud of despair over you that I was afraid would keep you from finding your destiny.”
She nodded. “Jamie,” Mary agreed. “I wanted you to know that Tyler hadn’t used you to lift that negative aura from you. I couldn’t come out and tell you Jamie was your destiny. That was something you had to choose for yourself but I hoped once you let down your defenses you would let him in.”
“Oh I did.” Nova laughed out loud. “I also forgot to take my birth control pills then tried to double up. It didn’t work.”
Mary rubbed her hand across Nova’s belly. “This child was meant to be,” she told her gently. “That is how it happens Nova.”
“I think so too.”
Mary looked across the yard. Jamie stood on the porch watching them. He leaned against the railing; his hands gripping the wood. “Uh oh,” Mary said. “I think somebody needs you.”
They rose and walked across the lawn. Nova watched Jamie turn and walk the length of the porch as they walked to the stairs. He met them at the top of the steps. “What?” Nova asked.
“Bradley is upset. Branch and Bobby don’t want to move at all. They are sophomores in high school. They don’t want to leave their friends.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Maybe if you took them to Atlanta they would feel differently when they saw how much there was to do,” Mary suggested.
“Mary, I think we’re moving to Goose Creek.”
“Even better. Beau is the football coach. They both play. Maybe he will have a place for them on his team?”
“I can talk to him,” Nova replied.
“They are both good wide receivers,” Jamie offered.
Nova wanted to meet his siblings besides Wyatt who she had already met. “What did Wyatt think?”
“He’s only upset because our mother doesn’t want them anymore. I don’t know how to answer his questions about her.”
“Let’s go inside,” Mary suggested.
Jamie followed behind Nova and his aunt. Wyatt was sitting on Mark’s lap. He rocked the small child trying to comfort him. Branch and Bobby were sitting on the sofa staring at the television. Mikey rose from the floor when Jamie returned to the house.
“This is Nova,” Jamie told them. Mikey walked over to her and shook her hand.
“It is nice to meet you,” Mikey told her.
“It’s nice to meet you too.” She held his hand a little longer sensing he needed it. He smiled at her. Bradley came over to them next.
“I’m Bradley,” he said. “I guess we’re coming to Goose Creek to live with you and Jamie.”
“I would like that,” she told Bradley.
She smiled at him. “Bradley,” Jamie scolded him.
“It’s okay,” Nova told him. She touched Jamie’s arm reassuring him then she put her hand on Bradley’s shoulder giving it a little squeeze.
“Because I no longer have a job teaching so I’m going to need something to keep me busy for a while. Do you think you can keep me busy?”
“Doing what?” He still looked a little cautious.
“Do you need help with homework?”
“I suck at language arts.”
“I can help you w
ith that,” Nova replied. “What about sports? Do you play too?”
“I play soccer.”
“I can take you to soccer practice.”
“Will you just drop me off or will you stay and watch like the other parents?” Bradley asked her.
“Oh, I would like to stay and watch. Would that be all right?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Bradley was still keeping his guard up where she was concerned but he was interested.
“Good.” She was reaching out to him. Letting him know she was there for him when he suddenly threw his arms around Nova’s waist and hugged her.
“My momma doesn’t want me.”
“I’m sorry Bradley. I don’t know how your Momma is feeling right now but I know that Jamie and I want you very much.” She caressed his head gently while he cried. She glanced over his head at Mary then Jamie.
“As for you two, my cousin is Beau Daughtry. Do you know him?” She was talking to Branch and Bobby while she held Bradley in her arms.
“University of Alabama, running back,” Branch replied half-heartedly.
“You got it. You know he’s the high school football coach too. I hear you are two great wide receivers. He’s friends with the high school basketball coach. Maybe he can get you on the team even though the season has started.”
They didn’t look convinced. They were going to be harder.
“Just give us a chance,” she pleaded with them. They both got up and went upstairs. She watched the two oldest boys go up the stairs.
Mikey went to her. “They’ll come around.”
“Thanks Mikey,” she told him.
“I for one am excited to be moving. Jamie told me I no longer have to share a room with the little kids.”
She smiled at him. “Is that the only reason?”
“Nah. It will be nice to have somebody care about us for a change. You’ll do that won’t you Nova?” He was sincere in his question. He was fourteen years old, a quiet boy. She touched his cheek. She recognized something in him that was as needy as the child she held in her arms.
“I will,” she said.
“When do we go?” Mikey asked.