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Breathless (Goose Creek Book 4) Page 20
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Page 20
“I have to find us a house,” Jamie told him.
They moved back to his mother’s home that night while they waited on Jamie to find a home for them in Goose Creek. He also started the process of buying the technology company there as well.
Things were moving forward. He just needed to establish guardianship over his siblings. The first step was to get Cami Stone to sign her rights away to the kids so he could start adopting them.
Jamie started his real estate agent on finding them a home in Goose Creek. He was going to keep the loft in Atlanta in case he needed to do business there, for now at least. He might want to sell it in the future and buy a home if he took the family there with him.
Kaylee was a tough nut to crack where Nova was concerned. She had her walls built up so that Nova couldn’t reach her. She understood the pre-teen girl better than Kaylee could have dreamed. She had been her at one time with a mother very much like her mother except Amelia didn’t drink but she was just as self-absorbed as Cami Stone and just as absent even before her death.
Mikey, Wyatt and Bradley were on board with this whole moving thing. They were ready. They asked daily if Jamie had found a house. A week after he brought her to the reservation he had to go to Goose Creek to meet with the owners of the Technology firm about the sale. Jamie didn’t want to leave her with three semi-hostile children.
“You know the best thing you could do might be to leave me with them. It could be the best thing that happened to me and them. We’ll either bond or kill each other.”
“Yeah but with Seth gone I just don’t know.”
Seth had left Mark’s a day after Jamie left the kids with his aunt and uncle. He decided it was Jamie’s turn again to take care of the children. Jamie had anticipated this.
Seth was eighteen. Eager to live his own life. He had just been afraid to leave his siblings with his mother. Once they were tucked safely away in his aunt and uncle’s home he had flown the coop. Jamie contacted him when he returned just to be sure he was all right not to bring him home.
“We’ll be fine.”
Famous last words. Jamie left the next morning for Goose Creek. He was going to be staying at Beau’s home. He was looking at a few houses while he was there too. He hoped to be gone no more than two or three days.
The first morning, Bradley and Kaylee missed the bus. She had no car to take them so the twins had to drop them on their way to school making them late as well. They rolled their eyes at her as they walked out the door with their younger siblings.
Mikey made it to his school on time, sighing with relief she was alone with Wyatt who was only four. They had a great day. Playing outside. Watching cartoons. Slowly the children returned after school.
Nova helped Bradley with his homework while Mikey went to his room to study. Kaylee hovered. Observing Nova with her brothers. She pretended not to notice the pre-teen girl.
The twins were at basketball practice. When they arrived home she asked what they wanted to eat for dinner. They grumbled something and started to head upstairs. Nova called them back.
“You can go up and change if you need to but come back so you can help with dinner.”
They tossed their book bags on the stairs and followed her to the kitchen. They all pitched in and made a decent stir fry. Each adding something to the mix that they liked. They started asking questions about her and Jamie.
Did they know what they were having? Were they getting married? Nova began to see a pattern to their line of questioning. They were looking for stability. They were wanting reassurances that Nova wasn’t going to run away in the future and leave them like their mother had.
She tried reassuring them that the home they built in Goose Creek would be their home. A permanent and secure home. One with two parents, even if they were substitute parents who loved them.
Nova left out the gory details but she told them that her father died when she was thirteen. Her mother shortly afterwards. Her sister Lola had raised her. She really did understand what it felt like to not have a parent. To be afraid of the future and to worry.
The twins cast their eyes towards the dinner table. They were sixteen. They didn’t want to be afraid. They wanted to be strong for the younger children. Nova tried to reassure them that it was okay to let their feelings come. She didn’t want them to bury them. Lola had been terrified and she was technically an adult when she had to take over raising her.
“But she is a woman.” This came from Bobby.
Nova smiled at him. “It doesn’t matter,” Nova told him. “Don’t you think there are times that Jamie is afraid?”
“No,” Branch told her.
“I know he was scared to death when I told him I was pregnant,” she told the kids. They laughed with her. “You can’t be strong all the time even if you are a man.”
She read stories at bedtime to Bradley and Wyatt in their room with Mikey listening in. She knew he was. She kissed both boys and tucked them into their beds and got to the door before Mikey stopped her.
“Good night Nova,” he said.
She walked back to his chair where he was sitting at the desk. She leaned over and kissed the top of his dark head. “Good night Mikey.”
He couldn’t stop grinning. She smiled at him then turned and walked out of the room. She went downstairs where Kaylee was sitting on the sofa watching a vampire show that was a weekly thing for her.
“Mind if I watch too?” Nova asked.
“Free country.”
Nova sat beside her on the couch. Not close enough that she was touching her but not on the other end either. Kaylee glanced at her sideways.
Nova tried to figure out what was going on. “Who is that?” Nova asked. Kaylee sighed. Patiently she explained they were brothers who were vampires.
“Vampires can’t walk in the daylight.”
“Their rings let them walk in the daylight,” Kaylee responded.
“Who is that?”
“He is in love with her.”
“Oh.” Nova watched quietly. She flinched a few times when the fangs came out making Kaylee snicker at her.
“He’s kind of cute,” Nova said.
“Yeah, he is.” She was still acting disinterested or trying to.
“He’s married to that girl Nikki Reed,” Kaylee offered. “I think he’s leaving the show. I keep hearing that at least. I just don’t think it will be the same without him.”
Nova raised her eyebrows in surprise. “I guess not.”
She ran her hand over her belly feeling the flutters of her child inside. Kaylee glanced over at her.
“Is everything all right?” She asked.
“Yes,” Nova looked at Kaylee. “I can feel the baby move. It surprises me sometimes.”
“Can I feel it?” Kaylee asked.
She didn’t think Kaylee could feel the baby moving yet because she was only sixteen weeks but Nova took her hand and placed it on her belly. “It’s right there. Tiny little fluttering. It might be too light for you to feel.”
Kaylee’s face showed her disappointment. “I can’t. Not yet.”
“It won’t be long Kaylee. You’ll be able to feel it too.”
“You don’t mind?”
Nova met Kaylee’s eager eyes. “I really don’t.”
“What do you want?” Kaylee asked.
“I don’t care. To be honest until a few months ago I was scared to death of babies.”
“Not me,” Kaylee told her. “I had to watch Wyatt and Bradley from the time that I was four.”
“I’m sorry sweetheart.”
Kaylee was looking at her. “Me too. I wanted to attend an afterschool art program. It started a few weeks ago.”
“Really? My cousin Beau’s wife, Jorga is an art teacher at the high school. Could I see some of your work?” She asked.
Kaylee’s head dropped in embarrassment. “Are you sure?”
“I’d love to Kaylee.”
The girl paused her show and ran down the hall
to her room. Finally, Nova thought. I found a way over her walls. She smiled to herself.
Kaylee returned with a portfolio of drawings and water colors. Some were of dances from the reservations. They were creative and so beautiful. Nova couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped through her lips.
“Has Jamie seen these?”
“No.” Kaylee was biting nervously on her thumb nail.
“You are really talented. Could I send a few of these to Jorga?”
Nova took out her phone and snapped pictures of some of them. A wolf charcoal drawing. The piercing eyes drew her eyes directly to them. A bear that was standing on its hind feet ready to attack. The water colors of the dances. Haunting but vivid even though they were water color. She sent the pictures to Jorga’s cell phone.
“Has Kale seen them?”
“No only my art teacher and students in our class.”
“You’re really good Kaylee.”
“Thank you.”
She sent the pictures to Kale too.
Did you know that Kaylee could do this?
He instantly texted her back that he did not but she was very good especially for her age. Nova showed her Kale’s text message then one came from Jorga with even more praise which Nova showed to Kaylee too.
“When we move to Goose Creek could I take some art classes Nova?”
Nova took her hand in hers. “I think that can be arranged.”
“I would like that a lot. I can still help with the kids,” Kaylee offered as an afterthought.
Nova sighed. “Kaylee, it isn’t that I think children shouldn’t have chores or can’t help around the house but you should be able to do some things that you want to do as a child first then help us second. You aren’t a parent. You’re a kid. So if art classes are what you want then art classes we’ll find for you.”
“Thanks Nova.” She suddenly hugged Nova.
“You’re welcome.”
They watched the rest of the vampire show together. Nova tried not to ask her so many questions. She realized it was distracting Kaylee from the show. She tucked a few away for afterwards though.
Jamie called her just as she was snuggled under the covers, safely in his bed trying to go to sleep. “How was your first day?” He asked.
She chuckled in his ear.
“That good?”
“Everyone is alive. The twins had to take Kaylee and Bradley to school today. Mikey made it okay.”
He laughed.
“We had a good dinner that we made together even the twins pitched in. Kaylee and I bonded over her vampire show.”
“Sounds interesting,” he replied but he didn’t sound convinced.
“Well the baby helped.”
“I don’t get it.” He was really confused now.
She explained how Kaylee wanted to feel the baby move. She couldn’t yet but she was as excited about feeling it move inside Nova as Jamie was. Her door opened and Wyatt stuck his head inside.
“I had a bad dream Nova. Could I get in bed with you?”
“Sure baby. Come here.”
She tugged him until he was up on the bed beside her. He snuggled into the curve of her body and soon was snoring.
“Somebody keeping you company tonight?” Jamie asked.
“A mini version of you,” she said softly so she didn’t disturb Wyatt.
He laughed. “Everything is going to be all right. Isn’t it?”
“I love you Nova. Thank God, I found you.”
“You’re my destiny Jamie. Mary confirmed it.” She was smiling sweetly. Content and happy even with six extra kids.
“I will call you tomorrow.”
“I love you Jamie. Talk to you tomorrow.”
She hung up the phone and went to sleep easily. The little body beside her keeping her warm in the cool house.
The next day everyone made the bus. The twins were grateful so they weren’t scrambling to get to school. They had basketball practice again that night. When they arrived home, Nova and the other kids were making homemade pizza and they were a mess. Flour was all over their shirts and faces. They were rolling the dough when the twins arrived.
“What the hell?” Branch asked.
“You aren’t supposed to say bad words,” Wyatt told him. He ran across the kitchen and wrapped his arms around his brother’s legs.
“Thanks Wyatt.” Branch brushed himself off and picked Wyatt up in his arms. “So what is this?”
“Dinner,” Nova told him.
“No kidding,” Bobby replied.
“Pizza,” Kaylee told her brother.
They laid the pizza dough on a stone. Mikey spread the sauce over the dough and put diced tomatoes on the sauce. Then Nova let Bradley put pepperonis over the tomatoes. He finished it with tons of cheese. His brothers’ eyes widened at the amount of cheese the younger one had used.
“I’ll be in my room studying,” Bobby told them. Branch stayed behind. They cleaned up the kitchen while their dinner cooked. They were singing a song that came over the radio playing in the background. Even Branch joined in. They were almost done when the music suddenly stopped.
“What the hell is this? And who the fuck are you?”
They all turned and gazed at their mother who staggered through the kitchen. Her eyes were glazed over. Her hair was clean at least. She was wearing different clothes than the last time they saw her leave the house. They were all wondering where she got them. Maybe Charlie bought them for her?
“Momma, why are you here?” Branch asked.
“It is my home,” she sneered at him.
He snorted. “Why are you here?” He repeated.
“Don’t you talk to me that way boy. I am your mother.” She gazed at Nova through bleary eyes. “Who the hell are you?”
“I’m Jamie’s…” She hesitated. She didn’t know what she was. She started to say girlfriend. She wasn’t more than that just yet.
“Jamie’s what?” She snarled at her. Nova was getting upset. Her hormones were taking over her damn emotions. She felt tears welling in her eyes. “That Jamie’s bastard in your belly.”
“That’s enough,” Bobby told his mother from the kitchen doorway. His tone was harsh and cold.
“She’s marrying Jamie soon.” Branch picked his words carefully. Telling his mother as little as possible. “This is Nova.”
“What the hell kinda name is Nova.”
“A pretty name, Momma,” Wyatt replied.
“You shut up,” she shouted at Wyatt.
Wyatt’s eyes filled with tears. Nova lifted him in her arms and held him close. She patted his back comforting the small child in her arms.
“Where’s Jamie?”
“He had to go…”
“I wasn’t talking to you,” Cami said to Nova.
Nova squeezed Wyatt hard. She needed his comfort as much as the child needed hers. She wasn’t used to dealing with people like Cami Stone.
“He had to go out of town,” Bobby told their mother. He stepped around the island in the kitchen and stood in front of Nova holding Wyatt. Branch moved to stand beside his brother. He pushed Mikey and Bradley behind them. “Kaylee, get over here,” Bobby told his sister.
She was frozen in place. Kaylee was twisting her hair around her finger; afraid of her mother.
“Where is your boyfriend?” Branch asked.
“He’s at home. I came to get food because we’re out.”
“So you’re just going to take our food?” Branch asked. The incredulity of his statement was not lost on Nova.
“Jamie can buy you more,” she declared.
They watched her bag up groceries in bags that Cami took from the closet. Nova said nothing. Cami could take what she wanted because Nova could always buy more until Jamie got home. She just wanted her to leave.
Cami cleaned them out. She looked inside the oven. “Wow that smells really good. Did you guys make this?”
Nova nodded. Ca
mi took it out of the oven. “Thanks. I’m taking it with me.”
“No,” Kaylee screamed.
“What did you say to me?” Cami asked turning to her daughter.
“Kaylee, it’s okay,” Nova told her.
“No it isn’t.” Kaylee was sobbing.
Nova handed Wyatt to Branch. She stepped around them. Bobby grabbed her arm. “I’ll get her. You stay back.”
He walked across the room and started towards his sister. His mother stepped between them. “Don’t do this,” he said to her. Bobby glanced over his mother’s shoulder at his sister who was sobbing into her hands. “Take the damn pizza and your groceries and fucking leave.”
She backhanded him across the mouth busting his lip. Nova gasped. Bobby wiped the blood from his mouth. He stepped around his mother and gathered his sister in his arms. “Let’s go. We’ll go get a pizza,” he told his siblings and Nova.
“No Bobby,” Kaylee told him. “We worked hard to make that pizza. She takes everything.”
“Yes,” he insisted. He started guiding her out of the kitchen. The others followed. Nova turned off the stove never taking her eyes off Cami Stone. She followed the kids out of the house grabbing her purse and phone on the end table as they exited through the front door.
“I want to leave here now,” Kaylee was crying when Nova stepped outside. Wyatt wiggled out of Branch’s arms and ran to her. Nova gathered him up against her chest and squeezed him tight.
“Are you all right?” She asked.
He nodded.
“I don’t want to be here where she can show up anytime she wants.” She was sobbing into Branch’s chest. “Bringing whoever she wants to bring here.”
Nova handed Wyatt to Bobby. She slipped Kaylee out of Branch’s arms and held her close. “I want to go away. I want to go away now,” Kaylee sobbed. Nova patted her back comforting her.
“I know sweetheart,” she exclaimed.
“When are we leaving here?”
“As soon as Jamie finds a house.”
“Do you promise?”
“I do.”
“What about Branch and Bobby?” She pulled out of Nova’s arms and looked at Nova first then at her brothers. “I want you to go too.”
The twins glanced at each other and sighed. “We’ll all go,” Bobby told her.
Kaylee wiped her face with her arm. “I want to call Jamie.”