Breathless (Goose Creek Book 4) Page 22
“She did?” He smiled. What else had Nova told the kids?
Kaylee’s excitement dissipated. “I want to go soon Jamie. I don’t want to see her anymore.”
“We will Kaylee. The realtor called. The house is ours in two weeks.”
“So we have to stay here for two weeks?” She was so disappointed.
“I’m afraid so.”
Mikey was making his way up the driveway. Jamie waited with Bradley and Kaylee for him. “Good to see you man,” Mikey told him.
“Good to see you.”
“What is next?” Mikey asked.
“Let’s go inside,” he told his siblings.
He guided them inside and they went to the kitchen. As hard as it was to tell them this he felt it was best to be upfront with them. They sat around the island snacking on fruit and crackers. That had to be Nova. It wasn’t something he would have bought or given them. He was more of a let’s break out the ice cream and chips kind of guy.
“I saw Cami today,” he said. He couldn’t call her his mother any longer. She had never been a mother to him or any of them for that matter.
He found them all looking at him. Jamie leaned on his elbows on the island. They were waiting on him to say something. “Cami signed papers that gives up her rights as a parent to all of you. My attorney is filing them in court tomorrow. He will also file papers for Nova and I to adopt you legally so no one can ever take you from us.”
He glanced up and Nova was standing in the doorway holding Wyatt on one hip and papers in her other hand. She had tears in her eyes. She walked to him and handed the papers to him. “I signed these for you.”
He looked down at them. Pete had left them and he hadn’t even noticed. He tore them into tiny pieces and walked to the trash can where he promptly threw them away.
“Why did you do that?” She asked.
“Because I told Pete I didn’t need them. He left them anyway and I didn’t see it.”
“Jamie…” she started to protest.
“Do you have any doubts?” He asked. “Any doubts at all?”
She shook her head no.
“Then I don’t need them because I’m never allowing you to get away from me. Not ever,” he insisted. “Now give me Wyatt. He’s too heavy for you.”
“I want Nova.” Wyatt clung to her tighter.
He smiled at his younger brother who had developed this strong attachment for Nova. “He’s fine.” She patted Wyatt’s back. “So we’re adopting the kids.” He didn’t know if that was a question or a statement.
“We are. I didn’t really tell you about that part,” he told her. He smiled at her waiting to see if she was upset with him.
She leaned into him. “I’m so glad. I want to be sure that no one can take them from us.” Jamie kissed her forehead as he wrapped his arm around her and Wyatt.
“Let me in,” Kaylee said. Jamie laughed. He let his sister wiggle her way between them. Then Bradley joined them. Finally, Mikey did too. “Group hug,” Kaylee squealed excitedly. “We have to do this again when the twins come home.”
The basketball game was exciting. Kaylee and Nova were jumping up and down. Jamie was shaking his head. Mary and Mark sat next to Jamie. They were laughing at the girls.
Jorga had taught Nova to whistle between her fingers. She whistled several times causing both boys on the court to turn around and shake their heads at her. She videotaped them with her phone and sent the images to Beau.
I know you can’t play favorites but they really want to play in Goose Creek. Can you see if Seth Bohanan can use them even though the season has started?
She didn’t expect an answer because he was also in the thick of one of Seth’s basketball games but on the way to the car after they had won their game she got a response back.
Jamie’s brothers?
When are you moving to Goose Creek?
Two weeks.
Can you get them here any sooner?
She showed Jamie the text message. “We can talk to them tonight. Why? What does he have in mind?”
We’ll talk to them tonight. One of us would have to come to Goose Creek to stay with them. Maybe at Beau’s.
Hell they can stay with me if they want. I’ve heard of those kids. I was with Seth and showed him the video too. He’s really excited. The team has been struggling this year because he lost a lot of Seniors last year. He thinks they would be a good shot in the arm for them. They’re damn good. I bet Kale would let them stay with him too. They know him better. I can’t wait for football season to start.
I’ll let you know in the morning.
Looking forward to it.
Nova showed Jamie the rest of the messages from Beau as they climbed into the car. They didn’t live far from the school. Wyatt was asleep when Jamie carried him inside and tucked him into bed. He was walking downstairs as the twins arrived.
Nova was already talking to them about moving to Goose Creek now because Beau and Seth were excited to have them. They had normal questions. Where would they stay until the others arrived?
“Beau’s house? Or with Kale?”
They seemed to be considering it.
“I want to go with them,” Kaylee said.
“Why sweetheart?” Nova asked. She sat beside her on the sofa and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. Kaylee rested her head on Nova’s shoulder.
“I don’t want to be here anymore Nova. I’m afraid she’ll come back.” Kaylee wiped her eyes. Nova met Jamie’s eyes across the room.
“How do you feel about sending three of them ahead of us?”
“If they want to go and someone will watch over them until we can get there…unless you want to go with them?”
“I don’t want to leave you,” Nova told Jamie.
She had been without him for three long months. They had only been back together a very short time. Nova didn’t want to be apart so soon.
“I understand but I need to be here to get their stuff packed up and take care of anything that comes up.”
“Let me talk to Kale first. They know him best. They would probably be most comfortable without us at his house. If he says no, then I’ll go with them and we’ll stay at Beau’s.”
He nodded. “You’ll most likely have to take Wyatt with you then too.” She laughed. Most likely.
Nova should have known that their way of life was to help when family needed help. Her brother-in-law and sister were happy to take in the three kids for two weeks until they signed on the house and moved to Goose Creek. Nova was on the phone with Kale when he told her yes. She started to cry.
“Nova, what is wrong?” He asked chuckling at her tears.
“I’m emotional.”
“No kidding. Did you expect me to say no? I want the kids to adjust as much as you and Jamie. I’ve known them their whole lives. I know this is a big step. Are you ready?”
She was nodding. Feeling stupid because he couldn’t see her. “I am. I love them already.”
“I never doubted it for a minute,” Kale replied. “You’ve always been a loving person Nova.”
“I didn’t know if I had it in me to be a mom Kale.” She had to stop to collect herself. “Then I met Jamie. I want this baby so much. I met Wyatt and the others. They’ve touched something in me. I just want to protect them and make their lives better.”
“They are lucky to have you Nova.”
“Lola doesn’t mind?” She sniffed.
“Nope, she’s thrilled. Another girl is exciting to her. She’s surrounded by men until Walker comes over.”
Nova laughed. “Kaylee is so sweet. Lola will adore her as much as I do. You should look at more of her work. She’s really talented.”
“I will. I promise.”
“Kale, thank you so much.”
“I’ll come get the kids if you want.”
“Jamie will probably have to bring them so he can sign them up for school. I’ll let you know.”
“No problem. I’l
l do whatever you need. We just want to make this as easy on you guys as possible.”
“Thanks again Kale.”
She discussed the conversation with Jamie. Then they talked about it with the twins and Kaylee. They were going on Sunday to spend the night and get registered for school at Goose Creek so the boys could start basketball next week. They decided to get it over with quickly.
“Want to invite some friends over tonight?” Nova asked.
“Maybe,” Branch replied. “We’ll let you know.”
They watched them leave the room. Kaylee was the only one excited about leaving so suddenly. Nova leaned against the counter in the kitchen. Jamie caged her between his arms.
“They are going for her,” he told her.
“I know.”
“It’s only two weeks early,” Jamie added.
“It is.”
“I’m okay staying here with you guys,” Mikey told them. They hadn’t realized they weren’t alone. Jamie straightened his body. He turned and looked at his brother.
“I’m glad to hear that. So you’ll take care of Nova, Bradley and Wyatt while I’m gone?”
“Sure, I will.”
The quiet one was going to be the man of the house. Nova smiled at him. Jamie was leaning on the counter next to her now. They were talking with Mikey about his new school in Goose Creek, also the high school when Bradley entered.
“Facebook is on fire with news that Branch and Bobby are moving to Goose Creek,” he informed them.
“Is that good or bad?” Nova asked.
Mikey took out his phone and pulled up the app. He handed his phone to Nova. Mikey was friends on Facebook with Branch and Bobby. Their friends were upset they were leaving. Even more upset that Jamie and Nova were making them leave.
Party at our house tonight. 8:00 PM
Bobby had posted that invite.
“Oh dear Lord,” Nova said. She handed the phone to Jamie as kid after kid told the twins they would be there.
“Shit, we’re going to need crowd control,” Jamie told Nova.
“Maybe Kaylee, Bradley and Wyatt should stay the night at Mark and Mary’s,” Nova suggested.
“I think that might be a good idea,” he replied.
He took his younger siblings to his aunt and uncle. Wyatt was not happy about leaving Nova. Jamie promised that it was just for one night. She would pick them up in the morning or Mark would bring them back. They allowed Mikey to stay even though Branch and Bobby protested.
Nova was sitting on the steps watching kids congregate in the living room. Jamie ordered pizzas that he was bringing back with him after dropping off the younger kids. He wove his way through the mass of kids with fifteen pizza boxes in his hands. He looked across at Nova.
“Do I have enough?” He mouthed the words.
“I don’t know.” She shrugged her shoulders.
He never remembered having anything like this himself. Half the school had to be in their house right now. His brother turned up the music. Jamie couldn’t hear anything. Damn, he must be getting old. He took the pizza boxes to the kitchen and sat them down. Children descended like vultures on the pizza.
He escaped the kitchen within an inch of his life. Luckily he and Nova and the younger children had eaten earlier. He wove through more teenagers and made his way up the stairs and sat beside Nova on the steps. She tucked her arm through his and laid her head on his shoulder.
“Now what?” He asked.
“You got me,” Nova told him. “I never had a party when I was a teenager. I never had a party period.”
Jamie stood. “I’ll be right back.”
He went upstairs to their room and grabbed something out of his suitcase. He had picked it up when he was in Goose Creek. He jogged down the stairs and perched next to her.
“This isn’t the most romantic way of doing this but I want to get this on your finger so when someone asks who you are you can at least say, I’m Jamie’s fiancé.”
He took her hand in his and slipped a princess cut, perfect diamond in a platinum setting on her finger. She glanced down at the ring on her finger. Then she looked up at him. “It’s beautiful Jamie.”
“Soon Nova, you’ll be saying I’m Jamie’s wife,” he promised. “We’ll have the biggest party or the smallest one that you want.”
She tucked her arm through his. The light in the living room ceiling caught her diamond making it sparkle. “I can’t wait to be your wife.”
The kids left at one o’clock in the morning. Nova could barely keep her eyes open. She was heading to bed. Cleaning would have to come in the morning when she wasn’t so tired. She was on her way up the stairs when Bobby called to her.
“Thanks Nova.”
She turned on the step and smiled at him. “I know it doesn’t make it easier but I appreciate what you’re doing for Kaylee. So does she.”
“I know she does. It’s time we got her out of here. Nova, not that our mother’s boyfriends hurt her but a few made suggestions that weren’t proper. She was scared all the time. That is why she freaked out over the pizza. She just got comfortable. She just started to feel secure and then Cami came back bringing back the fear.”
Nova sat down hard on the step. “You’re sure they didn’t hurt her?”
“No they didn’t hurt her. Seth, Branch or I were always watching over her. She’s a pretty girl. She gets prettier as she gets older. It wouldn’t have been long before someone did something to her when our mother was high or drunk. Then what?”
“I’m sorry things were so bad,” Nova told him.
“Me too.”
Jamie walked into the living room. “What’s wrong? This looks like a serious conversation.”
“Nothing,” Bobby told him.
“Bobby, you need to tell Jamie.”
“Tell me what?” He was looking between them.
Nova looked at Bobby seeking his permission to tell him. “Kaylee was so crazy about Cami coming back because some of the men she was bringing home were making inappropriate comments to her.”
“Jamie, sit by me.” Nova told him.
He had to sit or he would fall down. What had been a good night ended with this news? His body was trembling. “They didn’t hurt her?” He asked his brother.
“No. It was a matter of time. That is why she wants away from her. Away from this.”
“When were you guys going to tell me how bad things were here?” He shouted.
Nova put her hand on his shoulder. She could see Bobby getting angry too. “Jamie, it wasn’t Bobby’s fault.”
“No it wasn’t,” Branch told him coming to the living room. He knew what they were talking about. “We protected her. One of us slept with her when Cami had a sleepover.”
Jamie ran his fingers through his hair.
“Honestly, Jamie, I’m glad we’re leaving her behind too.”
Bobby glanced at Branch with surprise. “It’s a new beginning Bro,” Branch told his twin. “We don’t have to worry about Kaylee. We’ll be far enough away from her that I hope we never have to see her again. I’m sure as hell not coming home for her funeral which at the rate she’s going will be in the very near future.”
Jamie ran his hand over his face. “I’m sorry guys.” He shook his head sadly. “I should have known. I mean I could see enough that I worried about you guys but I thought sending you money was enough with Seth here to watch over you.”
“You know Jamie,” Branch told him. “It isn’t your fault we had a shitty mother. It wasn’t your fault that she didn’t want to take care of us or put us in bad situations. You shouldn’t feel responsible. We don’t blame you man. Hell, we wouldn’t have had food if not for you or a roof over our heads. We know who paid the bills.”
Jamie patted Nova’s hand that rested on his shoulder. “Thanks man. Doesn’t make me feel any better. Damn, what could have happened to Kaylee?”
“Nothing,” Bobby replied. “One of us would have killed
the bastard who tried. They just liked making her uncomfortable. I think the dicks all recognized the fact that she was a kid but couldn’t get over the fact that she was so gorgeous. They grossed her out man. She hid out in her room most of the time when Cami brought somebody home.”
“Something we no longer have to worry about,” Branch told his brother.
“No you don’t,” Jamie agreed.
“We’re heading to bed if you two would move off the steps,” Bobby told them.
Nova chuckled. “I was heading there myself until you stopped me. I’m beat.”
Bobby pulled her to her feet. She glanced down at Jamie. “Are you coming?”
He rose to his feet and followed her up the steps. Only three remained in the house. It had been ages since he had loved her. His hands were at her waist the minute she opened the door. No chance a tiny four-year-old would disturb them tonight. She glanced over her shoulder at him.
He could see the tiredness in her eyes. He dropped his hands to his sides. Nova kicked off her shoes by the dresser. She watched Jamie shut the door. Then she slipped the shirt she wore over her head. Jamie’s back was to her. It had been so long since they had touched each other.
She removed her bra and laid it on the dresser with her shirt. She dropped her pants to the floor. Nova caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror then she saw Jamie behind her. His shirt was off. She was naked. She walked across the room to him. He hadn’t heard her yet.
Nova placed her hand on his back. He inhaled sharply. She pressed her lips firmly against the hardness of his muscles and he gasped. She spread her hands across his shoulders and down his arms.
She leaned into him and stood on her tip toes so she could place a kiss beneath his ear. He glanced at her over his shoulder. Her nipples brushed against his back. He looked even harder at her.
“Damn woman, where’s your clothes?”
“I thought you wanted to make love,” she responded.
He turned in her arms and saw all of her in all her glory, so beautiful and round with soft curves because of the baby growing inside her. He dipped his head to her breast. His breath was warm against her skin. His tongue hot against her nipple.
Nova’s head tipped back on her shoulders as she gripped his biceps hard, holding on for dear life. Jamie pressed his lips to her throat and Nova groaned. He felt so good to her.